Who are we ?

At SHOP-N-DREAM , you will find bracelets , necklaces , articles on well-being and meditation . These products will allow you to have your dream style . We believe that we all have power and untold potential . We have an infinite world and universe within us. We clearly know that you have the ability to create the life you dream of.

We have a pure belief that the power of community has unwavering power, for positive change in this time of rising human collective consciousness.

Our mission is to lead each person to have awakenings with advice , thoughts and new healthy habits . With accessories and quality items, we want you to develop your dream style to shine your true color and unique that you have.

We know in specific ways that when human beings vibrate on the same frequencies and the same ideologies we can bring something wonderful to the world. You take back the reins of your life by rediscovering the power of creation that has been bequeathed to you since your birth on Earth.

Using our products, our publications (Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Tiktok) as well as our blog on personal development , we want to give people around the world and in several countries the chance to increase their level of concentration . . We also want to raise human consciousness , to remove their limiting thoughts and beliefs .

To see hardships and life with optimism. To deepen or acquire new techniques, habits, their knowledge in the field of personal development , their entrepreneurial spirit, spirituality and well-being .

It is undoubtedly also thanks to the help of our customers and our beautiful community of incredible people who like , share and talk about us. Your opinions on our publications and on all of our services to those around you are an essential asset. Without you, what impact would our techniques , advice and messages have without our customers and fans of our site? It is each of you individually who make us visible and allow us to have enormously positive and enlightened impacts in our world.


We are at the very beginning of the creation of Shop-n-Dream.com in March 2022. We are starting new projects together and you are the first of this new community of people who will bring something even more wonderful to this world. that it is.

I am Pascal, the founder of Shop-n-dream.com and I will tell you my story from the beginning. When I was a child, I was a quiet little boy. I liked to create , innovate and I dreamed of being an actor .

Over the years, I wondered why. With much thought , I answered myself. I actually didn't want to be an actor, I wanted to be famous . But again, why? With a little more questioning and meditation , I got answers . I wanted to be famous and above all to have a platform or the recognition of several thousand people.

As a teenager I had my experiences like everyone else. I knew spheres that I really didn't want to know. In adolescence, life is full of ups and downs and we are looking for our identity and we can know people with more or less good influences . I have known dishonest people, drug addicts and destructive personalities . Several of my friends have lost their lives by suicide and for several indirect reasons. People who died of illnesses or accidents and this low at the age of adolescence.

I was born with a heart murmur from birth. This malformation is at the level of the (CIV) or (Interventricular Communication). The septum that separates the left and right ventricles is normally airtight. For my part there is a 3.5 mm orifice which causes the blood to circulate between the ventricles.

This malformation does not prevent me from living normally but strangely helped me during my adolescence to slow me down on the road of my exploration. Several of my friends took strong drugs and my condition prevented me from undertaking this path and even allowed me to step back from it completely.

With all the events and losses around me, I decided to ask myself the real questions and to take another path, but a holier one.

Since my youth my curiosity has always been a great strength accompanied by my autonomy and my self-didacticism .

I stayed on this road of questioning until I went to cegep, yes cegep, I'm Canadian . For people from other countries. We have primary school which lasts six years, then secondary school which lasts five years, followed by CEGEP which lasts an average of two years and finally university.

So, to come back, I did two college diplomas (CEGEP). The first in Arts and Letters language option and the second in Civil Engineering . So, here is my proof of my curiosity .

Thanks to my degree in arts my creative side exploded in several areas . I explored drawing , painting , music , sound and video editing and the creation of texts , etc. I then worked in surveying for ten years, including four years on road and building construction.

The salary was very good, but I constantly had to work outside my hometown. I also worked seasonally . I had to travel far into remote regions of Quebec and into wooded areas. I worked in poor villages where fresh food had difficulty getting there. As a result, by always being outside and in hard-to-reach places, I was not taking care of myself . I ate badly and worked a lot. In addition to working seasonally, I never knew in which region I was going to work and when I was coming back.

Once again, despite the salary, I had a present dissatisfaction . I am a person who listens very well and who has an ability to explain , express and popularize well. With ups and downs in my personal life I realized that I was the result of my choices and that is what we want to demonstrate to the people who follow our publications and our Shop-n-dream store.

I trained in personal development , web entrepreneurship , cryptocurrencies , marketing and e-commerce . I have a youtube channel which is creating in the above areas.

This is the story of my soul as an advisor , coach and personal development entrepreneur . Now I am living the life I dream of having changed my daily actions, taking care of myself, training myself with dozens and dozens of trainings. I want to bring this change to people around the world by giving them advice that has allowed me to have the life that I dream of . If I succeeded through my trials in changing my life , believe me you are also capable of changing your life and even more.

Know that everything happens inside of you. Your inner change will reflect outward. You have this power within you . We are here to make it shine so brightly that your outer life will benefit .


The concept of Shop-n-dream.com is to offer you quality items that will make you shine brightly with your own style. We have a lot of love for our customers , fans and readers who follow us . On the shop we offer a multitude of articles such as bracelets , necklaces , watches , chains , beauty products , articles of meditation , well-being and lithotherapy etc. These products are of very high quality.


Knowing how to start a business is not given and created overnight. Creating a business as well as managing it is not an absolute ease . An important fact is to trust yourself and the Universe to enlighten us on the most optimal , holy and enlightened path . We must always listen to our intuition .

You know that little voice that can become a shrill voice that shows you the path to take despite our fears , doubts and anxieties . When you listen to it, the events always flow as smoothly and optimally as possible.


You should know that becoming an influential person is not easy since you have to know how to get started and take the big first step forward and take the big leap into the void . It is enough to have a goal and to use it as a beacon that lights us up like a boat on the open sea during the night. We do not know what the path is made of and the trials that await us. You have to know how to face adversity and adapt quickly to change.

It is very important to get out of your comfort zone . When I talk about comfort I'm not talking about living room comfort or the comfort of a bed. I'm talking about routine comfort. With my past experiences I have seen people in a self-destructive comfort zone.

That's why I created the SHOP-N-DREAM store. Initially, my e-commerce experiences were very basic. Nevertheless, I still had my big ideas of major changes for humanity .

I wanted and I still want today to bring a new wind of spiritual awakening , openness to ourselves, positive habits and thoughts and spiritual elevation to as many people as possible. My mission is to help you really take the path you want and help you to surpass yourself and help you evolve on the path that is destined for you by making you discover your infinite potential .

We believe in you and good luck with us.

(Shop-n-dream.com team)